Drivers education courses cover a lot of information in a small amount of time. When a teen gets their license, they may have forgotten some simple tips to keep them safe while driving. A quick reminder of what young adults can do to protect themselves can make all the difference in how well they can stay safe.
These tips are especially important for “the 100 deadliest days of summer.” These days refer to the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and how they see a regular increase in car accidents and deaths. Here are a few things to keep in mind while behind the wheel:
How to spot reckless drivers
Reckless or negligent driving commonly leads to severe accidents. Signs that someone is not driving safely include swerving, variable speeds, and sudden braking. If you spot a driver displaying these signs, safely move away from them.
Avoid reckless driving
Eating, drinking, adjusting the radio or GPS, and fixing your appearance are examples of driving distractions. Do not endanger yourself and others by multitasking behind the wheel.
Stay off the phone
Cell phones are one of the main distractions that drivers of all ages face on the road. Phone calls, texts, and other alerts all pull the driver’s attention away from the road. Even a few seconds of looking at your phone on a highway is equivalent to driving hundreds of yards blindfolded.
Avoid too many passengers
Just because a car has five seats, does not mean they need to be full. Too many passengers can become a severe distraction for a driver, especially if the passengers are causing a commotion. Keeping the passenger count to a minimum can help ensure a diver can stay focused on the road.
Obey road construction signs
Summertime sees a massive increase in work zones on the road, and it can be a common urge for drivers to ignore the signage in these areas. Reduced speed limits are necessary for construction zones, even if no one is working at the time. The signs construction crews put up are for drivers and workers’ safety, so make sure you follow their directions.
Stay safe out there
Roads can become dangerous in a matter of seconds. Follow these tips to maintain focus on the road to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Take the time to make sure that you are doing what you need to do to get to your destination safely.