Why do insurance companies deny car accident injury claims?

In the aftermath of your car accident, you hope that you can rely upon your own insurance and the insurance of the other driver to secure compensation to offset your losses. After all, your medical care alone can be quite expensive, and you’ll likely have lost wages that you’ll need to recoup.

While the thought of finding support from these insurance policies might be comforting, the claims process is often more difficult and trying than anticipated.

In fact, a lot of car accident victims end up seeing their claim denied, which can feel like a punch to the gut. And while you’re trying to get your heart out of your stomach, it can be hard to find a way to get by and make ends meet. As worrisome as that can be, don’t feel overly defeated. There still might be ways to secure compensation in your case. That starts with understanding why your claim was denied in the first place.

Top reasons why car accident personal injury claims are denied

First, it’s important to remember that insurance companies are not your friend. Although they might claim that they’re there to support you, the truth is that they’re looking for ways to maximize profits, which means trying to find any justifiable reason to deny your claim. Therefore, the insurance companies in play in your case might rely on any of the following reasons to avoid paying out your claim:

  • Arguing that your claim falls outside of the applicable policy coverage: Insurance policies are stacked with fine print that place limitations on the scope of coverage. This gives insurance companies the opportunity to find a loophole to deny your claim. They might also argue that there was a lapse in coverage due to unpaid premiums.
  • Disputes over fault: Where the blame falls for an accident can affect which insurance company pays you and how much they’ll pay you. Therefore, if fault is in question in your case, then you might not see the quick payout that you want.
  • Questions of causation: An insurance company is only going to pay you for your accident injuries. If you had a pre-existing condition, then the insurance company is going to be hesitant to pay you for it unless you can clearly show that it was exacerbated by your wreck.
  • Evidentiary issues: If you have insufficient evidence to show the cause of your accident and your resulting injuries, then your claim is bound to be denied.

What can you do to avoid these sorts of claim denials?

Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to position yourself for success. This includes:

  • Reading through applicable policies so that you understand where your claim fits in.
  • Reviewing an insurance company’s denial letter so that you understand why your claim was denied and what you need to show to rectify the issue.
  • Gathering sufficient evidence that speaks to your accident and any potential reasons for a claim denial.
  • Securing adequate medical treatment and following all your doctor’s recommendations.

If after doing all of this you’re still unsuccessful in obtaining the compensation you need, then it might be time to consider legal action.

Take legal action when necessary to protect your interests after a car accident

You can’t let the insurance company take control of your claim. Instead, you need to advocate for the results that you want. That can be scary to do, especially when you’re unfamiliar with the legal process, but that’s okay. This isn’t something that you have to face on your own. By surrounding yourself with support, you can maximize your chances of getting through this difficult time and securing the compensation that you deserve.